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Creative Cooking

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It is red, yellow, orange, or green. It is sweet or spicy. What is it?
It is a pepper.
It is red. It is cold. It is sweet. What is it?
It is an apple.
Name two spicy foods.
spicy crisps, chillis, Takis, jalapeños, tacos
What are your favorite pizza toppings?
Name 3 cruncy foods.
cookies, crackers, carrots, crisps
Name 3 cold foods.
ice cream, yogurt, cereal
Name 3 hot foods.
pancakes, rice, curry, pizza, pasta, soup
What kind of food is this?
It is a crunchy food.
What kind of food is this?
It is a soft food.
What kind of food is this?
It is a spicy food.
What kind of food is this?
It is a plain food.
What kind of food is this?
It is a savoury and crunchy food.
What kind of food is this?
It is a sweet food.
What is this? Is it a fruit or a vegetable.
It is a pineapple. It is a fruit.
TRUE or FALSE? Peppers are savoury.
FALSE. Peppers are sweet or spicy.
What is this? Can you spell it?
It is sweetcorn. S-W-E-E-T-C-O-R-N
What do we put on pizza and pasta?
We put tomato sauce on pizza and pasta.
What does Popeye eat? Can you spell the word?
Popeye eats spinach. S - P - I - N - A - C - H
What are these? Can you spell the word?
They are olives. O - L - I - V - E - S
Do you prefer onions or mushrooms?
I prefer .........
What is this? Can you spell the word?
It is a prawn. P - R - A - W - N
TRUE or FALSE? Chillies are spicy.
TRUE. Chillies are spicy.
What is this?
It is tuna.
TRUE or FALSE? Cheese is sweet.
FALSE. Cheese is savoury.