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Phrasals (Relations)

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Judy and Tim are just friends, but I'm sure they'll _______________ someday, because they get along so well together.
hook up
I can't believe he _______________ with his girlfriend again. She's already cheated on him twice, but he keeps going back for more.
made up
Your classmates needed you for your group presentation, but you really _______them________ by not coming to class.
let (them) down
My sister is really pretty, so every time she goes to a nightclub, all the guys try to _______________ her.
hit on
He went to the party hoping he would _______________ this girl he likes but she wasn't there.
bump into
We have two cats and a dog, and they all really _______________ well together.
get along
The violence in movies these days really _______me________. I want to see movies that make me feel good.
turns (me) off
Sam always fights with his girlfriend so I think they should _______________.
split up
Come on, _______________. Failing one exam is not the end of the world.
cheer up
I asked her if she wanted to go to the movie with me, but she ________me_______.
turned (me) down
There's a girl in John's class that he wants to _______________, but he's too shy.
ask out
He is a bully who always _______________ the smaller boys in his class.
picks on
He took his girlfriend up to the top of Mount Douglas, and they _______________ in his car.
made out
We haven't found an apartment yet, but we're going to _______________ a couple of places this afternoon.
check out
A bunch of strange guys were _______________ in front of the nightclub, so we didn't go in.
hanging out