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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name two security features on bank notes?
watermarks and security threads
What is polymer banknotes?
Plastic banknotes
How does Connor get his bank notes?
His uncle is in the Navy
Why is Blake worried about his presentation?
Because Connor is a bully and asks stupid questions and shot rubber bands at him
What are rupees?
Indian currency
Lesson 6: Where is Rhia's family going?
Lesson 5: What are manillas?
Horseshoe-shaped metal bracelet used as currency in Africa
Lesson 5: What are Rai stones?
Used in Yap Islands, they are circular limestone disk with a hole in the center
Lesson 4: Why did Broderick probably switch the glasses?
He wanted his father to taste one of the waters but knows his father would not ask
What is a water sommelier?
They select waters for resturants
Lesson 2 What class does Ms.Kong teach?
Math class
What is the volume of a box-shaped object with (width 5) (length 10) (height 15)?
750 cubic centimeters
What is one advantage of the Tippy Tap?
converses valuable water/ prevent spread of germs
What do you need to make a Tippy Tap?
jug, sticks, rope, bar of soap
Lesson 1 What are two forms of condensation?
Clouds and thick fog
Lesson 1- What step of the water cycle is when heat from sunlight turns liquid into a gas or steam?