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Ancient Greeks Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_________ were first established by Greece around 700 b.c. to supply food.
TRUE or FALSE: Spartan women had less freedom that Athenian women, explain your answer
Type of goverment implemented in Sparta
Type of goverment implemented in Athens:
Name one battle fought on the Persian Wars:
Battle of Marathon , Battle of Thermopylae, Battle of Plataea
How did the Persian Wars started?
Athens send warships to Anatolia to help the greeks rebel against the Persian empire
Greek name for city-states
A marketplace where people gather discussed public affairs:
In the city-state of Sparta, Helots were:_______
Formation in which the hoplites would march shoulder to shoulder into battle:
The Persian Empire was divided into ______.
provinces called satrapies
King that expanded the Persian Empire and divided it into satrapies
King Cyrus I
Religious teacher who preached a new monotheistic religion
Politian who enforced laws and managed tax collection in Sparta
Greek civilization began in an area dominated by _______.
Seas and mountains