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REVIEW-6th Grade
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete the sentence: There are too much/many seeds in this orange.
Complete the sentence: I ate too much/many rice.
Complete the sentence: How much/many donuts do you want?
Complete the sentence: There is too much/many pollution on planet earth.
TRUE OR FALSE Nelson Mandela was originally born in Great Britain.
TRUE OR FALSE Nelson Mandela was sent to prison.
TRUE OR FALSE? In the past, we can’t use must. Because, unlike other modal verbs (can/could), must has no past tense form.
What are two auxilary verbs used to express that doing something is obligatory?
must; have
To talk about past prohibition, we use
was/were + not allowed to:
To express past obligation, we use
Had to
Who was Nelson Mandela?
Anwer varies; former president of South Africa, a political leader, anti-apartheid fighter, man of freedom.
We use won't to express
that something is very unlikely to happen. (or likely not to happen)
We use will to express....
that something is very likely to happen.
We use the second conditional to...
talk about situations that are not real, impossible, or almost impossible to happen and the consequences.
We use the passive voice when....
what or who caused the action is unknown, unimportant, obvious, or done by people in general.