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NSG123 Mod 4: GI
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What is the difference between a PPI and H2 Receptor Antagonist?
PPI block acid production at source; H2: histamine 2; h2 are quicker;
When do you take a PPI?
in the morning- 30 min before breakfast. ensure there is adequate concentration of the drug in the parietal cells before the H-K-ATPase is activated
When should an H2 Receptor Antagonist be taken?
Evening- inhibit nocturnal basal acid secretion more effectively than daytime stimulated secretion.
Define constipation
having less than 3 BM/week
Name 2 complications of bariatric surgery.
bile reflux, dumping syndrome, difficulty swallowing, post op hemorrhage
Liraglutide (Saxenda) is a GLP1 that is used for treatment of DM T2 and obesity. True or False?
False: Victoza is the liraglutide version of this GLP1 for T2DM
What medication is the only FDA approved OTC medication for obesity?
Orlistat (Alli)
Why would a patient need a J-Tube instead of a G-Tube?
J tube bypasses stomach; excessive n/v, low stomach motility, aspiration risk
How often does the tubing for enteral feedings need to be replaced?
every 24 hours
What medication class helps control symptoms related to inflammatory bowel disease?
How often should you check the glucose for a patient receiving parenteral nutrition?
Every 6 hours
Based on ethnicity, Hispanic women are most likely to have obesity. True or False
False: Non-Hispanic Black women at highest risk
Blood in the stool is common with Crohn's disease. True or False
False- can be common in UC
What is the best diagnostic test for diagnosing Ulcerative Colitits?
What is the best diagnostic test for diagnosing Crohn's disease?
CT scan (or MRI)
Are are some symptoms of Crohn's Disease that occur outside of the GI tract?
Joint disorders (arthritis), Skin lesions/rash, uveitis (inflammation of uvea- white of the eye)