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Unit 7 Grammar (Close Up B2)

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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'Did they think the two men were terrorists?' 'Yes, until they agreed_by security.'( be searched / could be searched / to be searched / being searched)
to be searched
'Did the blackmailer deny_____the money?' 'Yes, he says he never received a penny.' ( being given / to be given / be given / was given)
being given
'Who did you give the weapon to?' 'The police officer_____the gun, sir.' ( is given / has given / was given/ had given)
was given
'What does the news say about the hijackers?' 'That a statement____by their lawyer later today.' (was made /will be being made /will be made / has been made)
will be made
After he___back to his cell, he began to shout. (had been taken/was being taken /is being taken /has been taken)
had been taken
_____the famous bank robber is living in Brazil. ( Is it known that / It is know / It is know that / It is known that)
It is known that
My locks_____yet – I'm still waiting!(hasn't been installed / aren't being install /haven't been installed /haven't installed)
haven't been installed
My locks_____yet – I'm still waiting!(hasn't been installed / aren't being install /haven't been installed /haven't installed)
haven't been installed
'___to the courthouse when they escaped?' 'Well, that's what the papers say.' ( The thieves were being taken /Were the thieves taken / Were the thieves taking /Were the thieves being taken)
Were the thieves being taken
We___with an alarm yesterday – a professional did it. (have our car fit / got our car fitted / fitted our car / had fitted our car)
got our car fitted
The car was broken into_____a sharp piece of metal. ( from /for / by / with)