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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Reorder: Spiders know What you do about ?
What do you know about spiders?
Reorder: Spiders know What you do about ?
What do you know about spiders?
Reorder: Spiders know What you do about ?
What do you know about spiders?
Reorder: did to Who with go the you party ?
Who did you go with to the party?
How old is Kristen?
Is this a SUBJECT or an OBJECT question: Who knocked at our door?
Subject question
Name 8 STATES in the USA
lots of possible answers!
Ask a WHO or WHAT question about the following topic: John is talking to someone on the phone.
(possible question- Who is John talking to?)
Ask a WHO or WHAT question about the following topic: Freddie broke something.
(possible question- What did Freddie break?)
WHO/WHAT sights did you see in London?
Make a question using PAST SIMPLE: What / you / have / for lunch yesterday?
What did you have for lunch yesterday?
Make a question using PAST SIMPLE: Who / Jack / invite / to his party?
Who did Jack invite to his party?
Ask a WHO or WHAT question about the following topic: Someone won the lottery this weekend.
(possible question- Who won the lottery?)
Is this a SUBJECT or an OBJECT question: What did the teacher say?
Object question
Is this a SUBJECT or an OBJECT question: Who wrote this song?
Subject question
Correct the mistake: What Chris do?
What did the man do?
Correct the mistake: What did happen last night?
What happened last night?
In what month is Kristen´s birthday?
WHO/WHAT is wearing the red dress?