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My Name is Penelope L3 Part 2 story review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_____________ everybody said her name correctly!
From that day on
Who called Penelope "Pen Hello People?"
Giraffe called her "Pen Hello People"
What word rhymes with "Pelephone?"
Who called Penelope, Pineapple?
Lion called her Pineapple.
Who called Penelope, Pelephone?
Hippo called her Pelepone.
Who called her Penelo?
Crocodile called her Penelo.
Who called Penelope, Penny?
Monkey called her Penny.
Who called Penelope, Pen?
Owl called her Pen.
What did everyone do from that day on?
They said Penelope's name correctly.
What word did everyone read?
What did everyone start reading?
They started to read the letters.
Where did Penelope write her name?
She wrote her name on the ground.
What did Penelope do?
She wrote her name.
Penelope _______ say anything.
Why did they wait?
They waited for Penelope to say something.
What did everyone look at?
They looked at Penelope.
What did Crocodile ask?
How about, Penelo?
What did Monkey ask?
Can we call you Penny?
What did Owl ask?
Can we call you Pen?
What does Zebra want to give to Penelope?
He wants to give her a nickname.
Ostrich said her name is too ______.
What was Penelope's problem?
No one could say her name correctly.
_______ Penelope.