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Future Tense

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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enjoy herself, watch a music show
Ms Ho will enjoy herself if she watch a music show.
be happy, we get 100 marks in...
Ms Ho will be happy if we get 100 marks in the test.
spend more time with her family, the Year of Tiger
Ms Ho will spend more time with her family in the Year of Tiger.
watch us, during the Zoom breaks
Ms Ho will watch us during the Zoom breaks.
go to the park with Milo, next weekend
Ms Ho will go to the park with Milo next weekend.
fall asleep, very soon
Ms Ho will fall asleep very soon.
adopt one more dog, in twenty years' time
Ms Ho will adopt one more dog in twenty years' time.
be as angry as a dinosaur if ...
Ms Ho will be as angry as a dinosaur if we don't pay attention in her class.
be sad, ice cream melts
Ms Ho will be sad if her ice cream melts.
be a home chef, in five year's time
Ms Ho will be a home chef in five years' time.
eat skewers for dinner, on Monday
Ms Ho will eat skewers on Monday.
Your own sentence!
Your own sentence!
Your own sentence!
Your own sentence!
Your own sentence!
Your own sentence!
be the owner of Love Planet, in 50 years' time
Ms Ho will be the owner of Love Planet in 50 years' time.
know how to dance, in a month's time
Ms Ho will know how to dance in a month's time.
go hiking, this coming Saturday
Ms Ho will go hiking this coming Saturday.
read the weather report, tonight
Ms Ho will read the weather report tonight.
be fit and healthy, very soon
Ms Ho will be fit and healthy very soon.
become a wizard, twenty years' time
Ms Ho will become a wizard in twenty years' time.