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Multiplication Word Problems

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mr. Irving bought 4 bundles of firewood. Each bundle has 8 pieces of firewood. How many total pieces of firewood does he have?
Zander had 16 soccer trophies. He put the same number of trophies on each shelf in his bedroom. If there are 4 shelves in his bedroom, how many trophies did he put on each shelf?
4 trophies
Ramón earns $10 allowance for completing his chores for the week. If he does his chores every week for one month, how much money will he earn in 4 weeks?
The school computer lab has 4 rows of computers. Each row has the same number of computers. If there are 32 total computers, how many computers are in each row?
8 computers
Aisha won 324 tickets at the arcade. She used 257 tickets at the prize counter. How many tickets does she have left?
67 tickets
There are 140 third grade students at Ridge Elementary School. Fourteen of the third graders were absent on Tuesday. How many third graders were at school on Tuesday?
126 third graders
Yasir practices his math facts for 8 minutes every day. How many total minutes does he spend practicing his math facts in 5 days?
40 minutes
Zeke bought a jacket for $65 and a pair of sneakers for $57. How much money did he spend total?
Jamar is reading a science fiction book for his book report project. He read 56 pages on Saturday and 45 pages on Sunday. How many pages did he read altogether?
101 pages
Lindy and her brother made waffles for breakfast. They had 24 blueberries and 6 waffles. They put the same number of blueberries on each waffle. How many blueberries did they put on each waffle?
Martín collects sports cards. He has 78 football cards and 135 baseball cards. How many sports cards does he have altogether?
Anika earned $48 mowing lawns in her neighborhood last week and $37 mowing lawns this week. How much money did she earn in all?
There were 146 third grade students and 19 adults that went on the field trip to the planetarium. How many people went on the field trip in all?