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True or False? Some citizens did not want to leave the area. They are still 'in the Zone'.
Can you visit 'Chernobyl'?
Yes, but you have to ask permission to the government.
Some kids, who were born after the disaster, were ...
What was the cause of the incident?
A failed safety test.
In which country did the disaster take place?
True or False? The scientist who investigated the disaster was found dead in his apartment.
True or False? The Soviet Government evacuated the citizens immediately.
The firefighters were e............................. to radiation. (= blootgesteld)
exposed to
What does the word 'toxic' mean? (Toxic fumes from the fire)
How do you translate 'kerncentrale' into English?
power plant
What does the word 'contaminated' mean? The soil was contaminated due to radiation.
verontreinigd, besmet
How long can you live if you get an overdose of radiation (like the firefighters)?
(3 days) up to 3 weeks
In which year did the disaster occur?