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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the meaning of the word FORBIDDEN?
Not permitted
What is the meaning of the word RESTRICTED?
What's the meaning of the word SACRIFICES?
Acts of giving up needs or desires for a purpose.
Why Anne and her family needed to hide?
They were Jewish and would be killed by Nazis
Who did Anne Frank had to share room with?
Mr. Dussel
How old were Anne's parents when they got married?
Her father was 36 and her mother was 25
What's Anne Frank sister's name?
How old is Anne sister?
16 years old
Why did Anne started her diary entries as "Dear Kitty"?
She'd be writing letters to a friend
How did Anne start her diary entries?
Dear Kitty
Why Anne decided to start writing a Diary?
She had no friends while hiding
Why did Miep Gies decided to publish Anne's diary?
To honor her memory and share her story with the world
Who decided to publish Anne Frank's Diary?
Miep Gies
What's the name Anne gave to her diary?
What's the closest item Anne consider as a friend?
A diary
What's the relationship between Otto and Anne Frank?
Otto is Anne's father
Who was the only member of the Frank family to survive the concentration Nazi camps?
Otto Frank
Who's main character?
Anne Frank