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Future and Present Continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make present continuous interrogative: What / you / watch
What are you watching?
Karen says she´s shy. She probably (WON´T GO / ISN´T GOING TO GO) to the party on Friday.
isn´t going to go
I (WILL/AM GOING TO) help you with your homework, if you want
Make future simple: Sarah / send / me / a postcard / next summer
Sarah will send me a postcard next summer
Make present continuous negative: they / read / a book
They aren't reading a book.
Make present continuous interrogative: he / have / lunch
Is he having lunch?
She ................... (come) home now.
is coming
Max: .................... they ....................(play) tennis now? Allen: No, .....................
Are playing they aren´t
I (WILL GO, AM GOING TO GO) to the store in a few minutes... do you want anything?
am going to go
Do I use WILL or GOING TO to talk about things that happen in the very near future?
going to
Look! She (WILL THROW or IS GOING TO THROW) the ball.
is going to throw
‘Tea or coffee?’ ‘I (WILL HAVE or AM GOING TO HAVE) a coffee, please.’
will have
We (travel) ............................................ around the world.
will travel
She (not/stay) ............................................ at home next week.
What month is Kristen´s birthday OR zodiac sign?
January, Aquarius
I think my brother (become) ........................................... a doctor in future.
will become
Where is Kristen from?