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She is Britain’s longest-reigning monarch to date, and she’s made numerous changes to the monarchy during her rule.
Queen Elizabeth II
This is the pride of Vietnam sports. She has been named by the international press as a “steel woman” in the “blue race”, who has contributed to lifting Vietnamese swimming to a new height.
Ánh Viên
This is a Vietnamese poet who is known as ‘The Queen of Nom Poetry'. She is honoured as one of world cultural icons by UNESCO.
Ho Xuan Huong
She is one of Miss Universe Vietnam and she's named in the top 50 most influential women in Vietnam by Forbes.
H'Hen Nie
She is an English actress and activist. She was named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine in 2015. She also took a role in "Harry Potter".
Emma Watson
This woman discovered radium. She was a scientist. She was from Poland and studied in France.
Marie Curie
She was a French fashion designer and a businesswoman. She is the founder of Chanel
Coco Chanel
What is the name of this singer from Blackpink?
Who was , the first African American to be elected President of the United States of America?
Barack Obama
Who is the founder and owner of Facebook?
Mark Zukerberg
Who is currently the richest man on earth? (2023)
Elon Musk
Who are these famous women in VN history?
Hai Bà Trưng
Who is this famous sportsman?
Cristiano Ronaldo
This woman is considered a hero in VN. She fought against France.
Võ Thị Sáu