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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I need a ................ for all my money.
money belt / wallet
I´m planning to go camping so I need a .................
sleeping bag, backpack
Your face is getting red! Put on some ................
I always buy new ............., like soap and toothpaste, before I travel
It´s time to ............. We haven´t had a holiday in a long time.
take a break
There are a lot of mosquitoes at the lake. Don´t forget to take the
insect repellent
The girls are at the science museum. They are going to ..............
take a tour
Leo needs a place to stay in Berlin for one night. He is going to ....................
make a hotel reservation
Mike is going to .............. to drive from New York to Boston.
hire a car
We .............. yesterday. My favourite places were the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral.
went sightseeing
Howard started his new job a month ago and he has already travelled ........ twice.
on business
I pack my clothes is a ................ when I travel.
Rick is bleeding. Where is the .................... ?
first-aid kit
You must check .............. before you go sailing.
the weather forecast
I don´t want to wait in long queues at the museums, so I have ................
booked tickets online
We will be travelling around Portugal, so I´m reading a ..................
When you fly from England to the USA, you must take your .......... with you.
We´re going to sleep outside. You will need to bring your...........