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Comparatives and free time activities.

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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cheap/ cook food at home/ eat at a restaurant
Cooking food at home is cheaper than eating at a restaurant.
bad/ lie to friends/ tell jokes
Lying to friends is worse than telling jokes.
boring/ fishing /knitting
Knitting is more boring than fishing.
relaxing/ do housework/ lie on a sofa
Lying on a sofa is more relaxing than doing housework.
bad/ fight/ get a tattoo
Fighting is worse than having a tattoo
good/ read a book/ watch TV
Reading a book is better than watching TV.
expensive/ gardening/ traveling
Traveling is more expensive than gardening.
comfortable/ drive a car/ ride a horse
Driving a car is more comfortable than riding a horse.
noisy/ read a book/ sing a song
Singing a song is noisier than reading a book.
romantic/ have a party/ have a dinner
Having a dinner is more romantic than having a party.
easy/ play the piano/ play tennis
Playing tennis is easier than playing the piano
interesting/ go shopping/ working
Go shopping is more interesting than working.