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Monera, Protoctista, Fungi and Plants

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are plants unicellular or multicellular organisms?
Mosses haven't got roots, what do they have instead?
How do ferns reproduce?
By spore capsules that grow on the fronds.
What are the special leaves in ferns called?
What do ferns and mosses have in common?
They are non-seed plants.
Say an example of conifer.
Pine Tree
Where do seeds grow in gymnosperms plants?
Inside the cones.
What is the largest group of gymnosperms?
What do gymnosperms produce?
They produce cones.
Say an example of angiosperm.
Where do we find the seeds in angiosperm plants?
Into their fruits.
How do flowers grow from the flowers?
Because the flowers are pollinated.
What do angiosperms grow?
They grow flowers.
What are angiosperm also called?
Flowering plants.
What do angiosperms and gumnosperm plants have in common?
Both are seed plants.
True or False: All protoctists are multicellular.
True or false: Yeast and mould are fungi.
True or False: Fungi are part of the Plant Kingdom
How can amoebas move?
With a false feet called pseudopod.
Say an example of a multicellular fungi.
Say an example of a unicellular fungi.
Yeast or mould.
How do protoctista reproduce? There are two ways.
They reproduce with spores or dividing into two.
How do algae get nutrients?
They do the photosynthesis.
How can moneras move?
They can move with a tale called flagellum or they don't move.
What's the meaning of heterotroph organisms?
These organisms need other organisms to absorb nutrients.
What's the meaning of autotroph organisms?
These organisms produce their own nutrients.
Are moneras unicellular or multicellular organisms?
Say an example of a protoctista living being.
Algae, Protozoa, Amoeba...