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elon musk breaking news

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does the article say Mr Musk is a leader of? a) music b) space tourism c) tissue paper d) thought
b) space tourism
What did TIME say was amazing for Elon Musk? a) the best time b) 11:32am c) the twentieth century d) 2021
d) 2021
What did TIME say Elon Musk potentially influenced?a) time itself b) life off Earth  ) matter  d) space
b) life off Earth
TIME magazine said Elon Musk was a genius. T / F
Elon Musk started the e-payments company PayPal. T / F
The car company Tesla controls three-quarters of the electric car market. T / F
False (One third...)
Elon Musk went into space in one of his own rockets. T / F
Elon Musk is worth over $250 billion. T / F
The article says no one has influenced society more than Elon Musk. T / F
False (Few individuals have had influence...)
TIME announces its Person of the Year every November. T / F