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Amazing Animals

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Have kangaroos got colourful feathers?
No, they haven't.
Have camels got humps?
Yes, they have.
Can kangarooos jump?
Yes, they can.
Can kangarooos jump
Yes, they can.
Can giraffes run?
Yes, they can.
Can pandas swim?
Yes, they can.
Can lions climb trees?
Yes, they can.
Can monkeys fly?
No, they can't.
Can zebras fly?
No, they can't.
Have zebras got four legs?
Yes, they have.
Have parrots got feathers?
Yes, they have.
Has a crocodile got sharp teeth?
Yes, it has.
Has a monkey got ears?
Yes it has.
Has a hippo got feathers?
No, it hasn't.
Has a penguin got a beak?
Yes, it has.
Have hippos got long necks?
No, they haven't.
Have monkeys got long tails?
Yes they have.
Have pandas got long necks?
No, they haven't.
Has a panda got a short tail?
Yes, it has.