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Word Problems
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Solve the word problem
Gracia has 3,550 candies.
Solve the word problem
Pazi and Vero have 6,480 lollipops in all.
Solve the word problem
Clau has 1,990 animal stickers.
Read the problem. Name the DATA
Clau has 2,843. 853 are smiley face. The rest are animal stickers = ?
Read the problem. Tell me they key words
The rest 
Read the problem. Do you need to add or subtract?
I need to subtract
Read the problem. Do you need to add or subtract?
I need to add
Read the problem. Tell me they key words
How many, in all
Read the problem. Name the DATA
Pazi has 2,765 lollipops. Vero has 3,715 lollipops
Read the problem. Tell me they key words
Gave away, she still has. How many at first
Read the problem. Tell me they key words
More candies than. How many candies does Gracia have?
Read the problem. Name the DATA
María Clara gave away 597 pairs of shoes, she still has 943
Read the problem. Do you need to add or subtract?
I need to add
Read the problem. Do you need to add or subtract?
I need to add
Read the problem. Name the DATA
Ire has 3,267 candies and Gracia has 283 more candies than Ire.