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Fuedal Europe S2

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What is a vassal?
Someone who owes their loyalty to another in return for a gift (usually land)
Where did religious women go to become nuns?
What happened at tournaments?
Knights competed in jousting competitions for honour and as part of their military training
Who was self-sufficient? The monarchy, the nobles or the peasants?
The peasants (except for security)
What were the crusades?
The crusades were religious wars launched by the Latin Catholic church involving feudal kingdoms
What was the importance of the church in the feudal heirarchy?
The church could crown or excommunicate leaders
Why did monarchs grant power to the nobles?
For military assistance against invaders and to govern and protect parts of the kingdom
What limited the power of the monarchy?
Monarchs depended on nobles. Nobles had their own armies, collected taxes and effectively ruled their own territory. Kingdoms were often divided in inheritance.
What was the royal court and who were the royal council?
The court was the monarch's household and the council helped the monarch to rule
Who invaded feudal kingdoms during the 9th and 10th centuries?
The vikings, the Magyars and muslim raiders
After the death of Charlemagne, the Carolingian empire divided into...?
First three parts, the west, the centre and the east. Then the Kingdom of France and the Holy Roman Empire
Who was crowned the Holy Roman Emperor in 800 AD?
Who defeated the muslim Umayyad invaders at the battle of Poiters in 732 AD?
Charles Martel
What type of peasants existed?
Serfs, free peasants, merchants, craftmen
What was the role of noblewomen?
Marry, have children, manage households.
Who were the lower nobility?
Knights, squires, pages
Who were the upper nobility?
Dukes, Counts, Marques, Earls, Viscounts, Barons
What were the three estates into which fuedal society was divided?
The nobility, the clergy and the peasants