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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The letter shows that he was a concerned father and also reveals that he was quite strict. Rewrite with "in addition to"
In addition to showing that he was a concerned father, the letter (also) reveals that he was quite strict.
Dubois went travelling himself when Yolande and her mother returned to America. Rewrite using "soon afterwars"
Yolande and her mother returned to America. Soon afterwards, Dubois went travelling himself.
Dubois went travelling himself when Yolande and her mother returned to America. Rewrite using "following"
Following Yolande and her mother return to America, Dubois went travelling himself.
Dubouis did not see his daughter again for two years because he had such a busy schedule. Rewrite with "since"
Since he had such a busy schedule, Dubouis did not see his daughter again for two years.
Dubouis did not see his daughter again for two years because he had such a busy schedule. Rewrite with "owing to"
Owing to his busy schedule / owing to having such busy schedule, Dubois did not see his daughter again for two years.
The letter shows that he was a concerned father and also reveals that he was quite strict. Rewrite with "as well as"
The letter shows that he was a concerned father as well as revealing that he was quite strict.
The letter shows that he was a concerned father and also reveals that he was quite strict. Rewrite with "in addition to"
In addition to showing that he was a concerned father, the letter (also) reveals that he was quite strict.
War broke out in Europe shortly after Yolande arrived, but her mother decided to visit her anyway. Rewrite using "however"
War broke out in Europe shortly after Yolande arrived. However, her mother decided to visit her anyway.
War broke out in Europe shortly after Yolande arrived, but her mother decided to visit her anyway. Rewrite using "despite"
Despite war breaking out in Europe shortly after Yolande arrived, her mother decided to visit her anyway.