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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is cataracts?
The clouding of the lens of your eye. Proteins and fibers in the lens begin to break down, causing vision to become hazy or cloudy.
What is "Hard of Hearing"?
Refers to people with hearing loss ranging from mild to severe.
What is a frequency modulation (FM) system?
The personal FM system consist of a transmitter microphone used by the teacher and a receiver by the student.
What is a degenerative disease?
A disease in which the function or structure of the affected tissues or organs changes for the worse over time.
Approximately how many people are born with Alport syndrome?
1 in 50 000 newborns
What is the percentage of boys compared to girls with this syndrome?
95% boys - 5% girls
What is an ophthalmologist?
A doctor of medicine who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the eye.
What's an ENT?
An ear, nose, and throat doctor.
What is an audiologist?
A licensed hearing health care professional who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss and balance disorders.
What is a nephrologist?
A physician who is a medical specialist that specializes in kidney care and treating diseases of the kidneys.
How did Vance and Margeret discover they have this Alport syndrome?
Traces of blood in urine and other abnormalities
What is giftedness?
Above-average general intellectual ability.
What is Alport syndrome?
A rare genetic degenerative disease that affects the kidneys, hearing and sight.
How old was Margaret and Vance?
10 & 11 years old