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Cultural etiquette
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the most successful global travelers today have developed their (punctuality/cultural literacy) so they are aware of differences in etiquette from culture to culture
cultural literacy
In more conservative cultures, it's slightly (impolite/taboo) to call someone by his or her first name without being invited to, but it isn't truly offensive
Each culture has rules of (cultural literacy/etiquette) that are important for visitors to that country to know.
In some cultures, it's (customary/offensive) to name children after a living relative, and most people observe that tradition.
Some people think that talking with a mouth full of food is an example of bad (cultural literacy/ table manners).
table manners
In some cultures, it's (offensive/customary) to take pictures of people without permission, so few people do that
Many people believe that (cultural literacy / punctuality) is important and that being late is impolite
It's (taboo/impolite) to eat pork in some religious. No one would ever do it.