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global warming

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what disaster is this
what disaster is this?
a chemical substance that is spread on the land or given to plants, to make plants grow well:
chemical fertilizers
the cutting down of trees in a large area, or the destruction of forests by people
the lack of sufficient water resources
water shortage
when a lot of people do not have ebough food and many die
what are they called?
catastrophic natural disasters
The amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmostphere
carbon footprint
ecological balancea stable ecosystem in which a large number of species live together
ecological balance
An illness that can be passed through the air, from one person to another
infectious diseases
poor health resulting from extreme heat
heat-related illness
a gas or other subtance which is sent out to the air, generated by factories and vehicles
A gas that traps heat above the earth
greenhouse gas
A long term change in the Earth's weather
global warming
An increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmostphere
cimate change