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Travel: History Transport

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How many people could sit in the first ariplane?
Only one person could travel in the Kitty Hawk.
What was the problem with the first bicycle?
It was very dangerous and didn't have any pedals.
What was the name of the first train in the world?
It was called 'Rocket'.
When was the cheapest car invented?
In 1908
Who designed the first motorcycle?
Gottlieb Daimler
How fast could the first train travel?
It could travel at 45 kilometers per hour.
When did the first omnibus come?
Only ten years after the first car. That is in 1895. (1885+10=1995)
Who invented the cheapest car?
Henry Ford
Karl Friedrich Benz
Baron Von Drais
George Stephenson
Who invented the first car?
Karl Friedrich Benz
Wright Brothers
Baron Von Drais
George Stephenson
Who invented the first airplane?
Wright Brothers
Karl Friedrich Benz
Baron Von Drais
George Stephenson
Who invented bicycle?
Baron Von Drais
Karl Friedrich Benz
Wright Brothers
George Stephenson
When did people start using boats?
10000 years ago
4000 years ago
1000 years ago
In 1817
When did people start using animals to travel?
4000 years ago
What's the oldest mode of transport in the history?
What is the full form of the word 'bus'?
What's the meaning of "Omnibus"
It means 'For everybody'
What is it?
The Kitty Hawk
Penny Farthing
What is it?
The Model T
The Kitty Hawk
Penny Farthing
What is it?
The Model T
The Kitty Hawk
Penny Farthing
What is it?
The Kitty Hawk
The Model T
Penny Farthing
What is it?
Penny Farthing
The Model T
The Kitty Hawk