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Unit 5 Study Guide - Rational Numbers

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mrs. Peabody earns $9 per hour cat-sitting. This week, she cat-sat for 5 hours. She gave her granddaughter 13 of her earnings this week. How much does she have left?
Which of the following fractions are equivalent to -3/7 ? Select all that apply.
a) 3/-7 AND d) -9/21
Solve for x.
Over Christmas break, Mrs. Peabody deposited $75, $50, and $25 that she got in Christmas money. She then wrote checks for $100 and $75 to give to her grandchildren. What was the overall change in her bank account?
ZZA time!!
Her husband's by 1/10 of a pizza.
Mrs. Peabody’s 21 gallon gas tank is 27 full. How many more gallons of gas does she need to fill it?
15 more gallons
-3 and 1/9
Which fraction is equivalent?
b) 1/11
This table shows the predicted scores and actual scores of 4 golfers.
Jay (difference of 7)
Which expression is equivalent to 8-(-4) ?
a) 8+4
If Nan’s current balance is -38, what must have been her transaction amount at CVS?
Write an expression for this scenario: The temperature dropped 2 degrees every hour last night. What was the total change in temperature after 8 hours?
Write an expression for this scenario: Every minute, an inch worm descends 4 inches down a tree. How many inches will the inch worm have traveled down the tree after 3 minutes?
Write an expression for the scenario: A soccer ball moves 50 yards down the field in 5 passes. On average, how many yards did the ball move per pass?
50 / 5
Write an expression for this scenario: During the winter, Mrs. Peabody’s flower population in her garden decreases by 2 flowers for every degree drop in temperature. At this rate, how many flowers will die if it drops 8 degrees?
Write an expression for this scenario: Mrs. Peabody’s classroom consists of 5 rows of 6 desks each. How many desks are in her classroom?