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Form 2 Book Unit

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Non- fiction stories are true stories. True or False?
Fiction stories are not true. True or false?
What does the prefix 'auto' mean? a) auto b) car c) with help
a) self
If you wanted to learn about the life of a person written by him or herself, you could read a) an autobiography b) a biography c) an encyclopedia.
a) autobiography
A weekly or monthly publication, usually printed on glossy paper, with photos and articles is called a what? a) newspaper b) magazine c) booklet
b) Magazine
What is the word used to describe the category of books you like to read? a) genre b) romance c) classics
a) Genre
Fiction is the favourite genre of books read in Hong Kong? What is the second favourite genre? a) science b) human interest c) history
c) History
In a phone survey carried out between February and March 2020, what % of under 18s said they hadn't read any books in 2019? a) 15% b)21.5 % c) 30%
Would The Mystery of the Missing Cat belong to a) Detective b) Romance or c) Animal genre?
Would a Shakespeare story belong to a) Sports b) Science or c) Classics genre?
An autobiography is a book written about a person by that person. True or false?
Based on the gif, what kind of book is this?
a comic book
A book that tells you 'How to...' do something would belong to which genre? a) comic book b) cookbook c) instructions
c) instructions
What kind of book would belong to the reference genre?
a dictionary
A book about Kobe Bryant would belong to which genre?
Books where the characters or people have to make it with little or nothing are what genre? a) survival story b) mystery/detective c) classics
a) survival story
Based on the gif, what genre of books do you think this would belong to? a) fantasy/adventure b) social science c) thriller
b) social science
Based on the gif, what genre of books do you think this would belong to?
graphic novel
Based on the gif, what genre of books do you think this would belong to? a) autobiography b) history/hero c) mystery
b) history or hero
What genre would a book about love belong to?
A book about chemistry or biology would belong to what genre?
science or natural science
A story about a real person but written by someone else is called a _______.
The story of 'Hachiko' would be what genre?
human interest or animal story
Romeo and Juliet or Lord of the Rings are what genre of books? a) reference b) classics c) instructions
b) classics
Sherlock Holmes is a popular genre of books. What is that?
detective or mystery
Stephen King's book 'IT' is what genre of books?
thriller or horror
Harry Potter books would be considered what kind of books?