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JS5 - U7,8 - Making Faces

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Think of the word "BELIEF". When you have a belief in someone or something, you ____ them and they they are right.
The masks are carved out of woods, and then they are painted and _____.
Besides masks , performers also wear____ when they perform in a play or in ritual ceremonies.
The author can see masks at home, as well as in other places around the world. True or false?
True! The author says that even at home, kids wear masks with costumes and sports fans paint their faces with their team's colors.
In page 511, the word "designs" are ____.
drawing patterns (The Maori people of New Zealand wear designs on their faces that tell about their families. These designs are made of blue-black marks, and th
In page 510, which sentence tell why the Karo people of Ethiopia also paint themselves.
They live near a larger group of people. Since both groups speak similar languages, the Karo could easily blend into the larger group and lose their culture.
Which of these details best supports the idea that wolves are special to the Northern Arapaho people of Wyoming?
They believe that wolves are their teachers.
Masks are the only way that people can change the way they look. True or false?
False! The text says that some people put paint or ink on their faces to change the way they look.
The Dogon people of West Africa wear masks ____
to perform dances when someone dies.
This section (pages 506 - 507) describes the ways that people in Bhutan use masks. Which of these answers is NOT one of the ways mentioned in the text? A. tell stories. B. perform in plays C. show spirits and demons. D.to dance
to perform in plays
The people of Bali believe that ____.
the character's spirit lives in the mask. (The text says that people in Bali believe that the character's spirit lives in each mask.)
The author says he "collects" masks. This means he likes to find and keep them. True or false?
True! The author says he "collects" masks. This means he gathers and keeps them because they are interesting.