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Int - 5A Past tenses

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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After one hour of cycling in sunshine, a big fat raincloud suddenly __________ (appear) and it __________ (start) to rain.
appeared / started
Three weeks ago, He ......... (read) his favourite book.
We lost the match because we.........(not practise) the days before.
hadn't practised
He __________ (pass) her a message when the teacher __________ (look / not).
passed / wasn't looking
We __________ (wait) for Jane, when suddenly Louis __________ (come) around the corner.
were waiting / came
Nobody __________ (listen) while the teacher __________ (explain) the tenses.
was listening / was explaining
Marvin __________ (come) home, __________ (switch) on the computer and __________ (check) his emails.
came / switched / checked
While Tom __________ (read) , Amely __________ (watch) a documentary on TV.
was reading / was watching
When I got to the swimming pool, I realised that I.........(leave) my towel at home.
had left
When we came back, it was cold in the house because Alice.........(not close) the windows.
hadn't closed
They went to a restaurant after they.........(sail).
had sailed
They ......... never ......... (visit) that place before!
had ... visited
......... you ......... (eat) anything before you went to the theatre?
Had ... eaten
She ......... (not travel) to Germany last month because of COVID-19.
didnt' travel
Before they.........(start) the party, they had invited some friends.
In the shopping centre, I met a friend who I......... (not see) for ages.
hadn't seen
.........Ellie.........(wash) the dishes when her mum came home?
Had ... washed
After Tom had helped his mother, he.........(watch) a movie called "The Lord of the Rings"
He asked me which animals I .........(see) in Africa.
had seen
......... you seen Terminator 2 before watching Terminator 3?
I.........(swim) in the lake last Monday.
......... you play tennis yesterday?
Before I went to the supermarket, I.........(visit) my grandmother.
had visited
Before I played football, I.........(finish) my homework.
had finished