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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the opposite word for guilty?
What is the opposite word for expose?
What is the similar word for solitary?
What is the similar word for engage in?
participate in, join
What happened when William's ship reached the hurricane?
The wind blew it into the reef
Why did William's crew accuse him of being a bad captain?
William was responsible for the loss of the ship
Why did Thomas turn his ship around?
He saw the hurricane and did not want to crash
How did the star change the rock's appearance?
The star melted the ice in the rock and gave it a brilliant tail
What did the rock become?
A comet
What did the small rock want in space?
to have higher status
What does James(doctor) do when he leaves the hospital?
He watches a flag blow in the breeze
How did James(doctor) get hurt?
He slipped and fell on a broken tube
What does James(doctor) notice now that he isn't busy?
Food tastes better when you chew it slowly
What is dim sum good for?
tasting many different dishes
What is the MTR?
The public transportation system in Hong Kong
How far was the race going to be?
The race was going to be from the barn to the farmer's garage
What did the duck do wrong in the farm?
The duck tried to steal apples
When the cart with the apples fell over, why did the animals stop running?
Because they didn't want to slip on the apples
What did Jeremy participate in after finishing astronaut school?
He participated in a journey to space
Immediately after leaving the mine, What did Jeremy(miner) do?
He began studying and training
What was the biggest danger in that mine accident?
Why did Jeremy(miner) stop going underground?
He realized he should do what he really wanted to do
Why did Albert's family live in poverty?
Because his father lost his job
Why was Einstein's rise in the ranks of scientists gradual?
Other scientists didn't approve of his ideas at first
Why did Einstein's family become immigrants?
They couldn't pay their rend in Germany and had to leave