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Compare and Contrast Informational Text: Long Ag ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is told in the words that is not in the picture?
Today, people can travel by plane
Today, people travel by wagons
Today, people travel by sleighs
What words can describe communities from the past?
small villages
big cities
huge countries
What can be learned from reading the caption?
They use paper and pencil
They play games
They travel by bus
What is shown in the picture that is also told in the text?
Which heading tells about gardens?
Growing Food
Fun at School
Which heading tells about recess games?
Fun at School
Growing Food
What word describes a place where people live and work together?
What word describes how people traveled in winter?
What is the author’s opinion about shopping malls?
She likes them
She doesn't like them
She doesn't go to them
Which word from this sentence has an inflectional ending?
What is the topic of this text?
communities long ago
toys long ago
segregation long ago
How are the texts similar? They both ____
give us information about long ago
have 2 pages
tell stories about school
How is "My Community Long Ago" different from "Life at home"?
It tells about shops, school, travel, and machines
It tells about Martin Luther King Jr.
It tells a story about a girl
How are the texts similar? They both ____
show family homes long ago and now
show places to shop
tell about growing food