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Which herb is in pesto sauce? Basil, mint or parsley?
How many segments are inside most oranges?
What is a farfalle?
I am an Indian bread cooked in a Tandoor and yeast makes me rise. What am I?
Which religion is Challah bread associated with?
What is the most stolen food in the world?
Roughly how much does a medium egg (still in its shell) weigh in the UK? a) 23-33g b) 33-43g c) 53-63g d) 63-73g
(c) 53-63g
In Indonesian and Malay cuisine what does the word ‘nasi’ refer to? a) Rice b) Egg c) The bowl or dish the food is served in d) Curry
(a) Rice
Which of these is NOT a type of mushroom? a) King oyster b) Chicken of the woods c) Tiger’s tail d) Lion’s mane
(c) Tiger's Tail
Gruyère is a cheese from which country? a) France b) Switzerland c) Austria d) Germany
(b) Switzerland
Which of these chocolate bars does Not contain nuts in its ingredient list? a) Snickers b) Double Decker c) Picnic d) Toblerone
(b) Double Decker
Aduki, borlotti and cannellini are types of what?
Which bread ingredient causes it to rise?
Calamari is a dish made from which animal?
What is the best selling flavour of soup in the UK?
Which bakery launched a sell-out vegan sausage roll in January 2019?
Are Jaffa Cakes legally a cake or a biscuit?
In 1991, a court ruled that Jaffa Cakes were a cake and not a biscuit