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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is mentioned as examples of how the ancient Egyptians used math?
predicting the flooding of Nile river, measuring distance, making calendar
the Nile River/ they could / Due to / even / the flooding / math, / predict / of
Due to math, they could even predict the flooding of the Nile River.
to build / is still / today!/ Their ability / great structures / to science/ a mystery
Their ability to build great structures is still a mystery to science today!
고대 이집트 사람들은 수학을 피라미드들(pyramids)과 스핑크스(sphinx)를 짓기 위해 사용했다
The ancient Egyptians used math to build pyramids and the Sphinx.
고대 이집트에서는 수학이 다양한 목적으로 사용되었다
In ancient Egypt, math was used for many purposes
기원전 3000년 즈음, 이집트 사회는 매우 높은 수준에 도달했다.
By about 3000 BC, Egyptian society had reached a very high level.
고대 이집트 사람들은 그들의 많은 위대한 구조물로 잘 알려져있다.
The ancient Egyptians are well known for their many great stucture.
The Great Sphinx is a structure in which art was used. O?X?
X, Math was used.
The ancient Egyptians had no writing systems. O?X?
X, They had picture drawing systems
You just got Ella teacher's blessing. Congratulations!
You just got Ella teacher's blessing. Congratulations!
You just got Devil's call. Sorry but you have to minus the score above..
IF you win over Ella teacher, you'll get the point and hint to the answer
You just got Devil's call. Sorry but you have to minus the score above..
IF you win over Ella teacher, you'll get the point and hint to the answer
Rock scissors paper
_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ dible
a _ _ _ _ plish_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ ing
_ _ _ sper_ _ _
_ _ _ _ truc _ _ _ _
s t_ _ _ _ _ re