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History of football

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What country hosted the first Women's World Cup in 1991?
When was a ban on football lifted in the UK?
In 1971
Why did women start playing football?
Because they started to work during the First World War
What was special things related to the football game in the 1800s?
It had limited rules and no referees.
What was considered to be normal before the 1800s?
To hit players on the opponent team and to damage their possessions
When did football become particular common in private schools in Britain like Eton?
In the 1800s
Why did Edward II ban football in the 1300s?
Because people weren't practising archery
When did the first football games play in Britain?
In the 700s
What did "Tsu Chu" involve?
Kicking a leather ball into a small hole
What was football originally named?
Tsu Chu
When can the first traces of football be found in China?
In the second and third centuries BC
Where can the first traces of football be found?