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Human Rights Cartoons 2
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Which human right is represented in the cartoon? Find the number of the article.
Right to nationality
Which human right is represented in the cartoon? Find the number of the article.
Article 12. Right to privacy
Which human right is represented in the cartoon? Find the number of the article.
Article 2. Freedom from discrimination
Which human right is represented in the cartoon? Find the number of the article.
Article 20. Freedom of assembly
Which human right is represented in the cartoon? Find the number of the article.
Article 9. Freedom from arbitrary detention
Which human right is represented in the cartoon? Find the number of the article.
Article 14. Right to asylum
Which human right is represented in the cartoon? Find the number of the article.
Article 17. Right to own property
Which human right is represented in the cartoon? Find the number of the article.
Article 13. Freedom of movement
Which human right is represented in the cartoon? Find the number of the article.
Article 11. Presumption of innocence
Which human right is represented in the cartoon? Find the number of the article.
Article 24. Right to leisure and rest
Which human right is represented in the cartoon? Find the number of the article
Article 4. Freedom from slavery