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Human Rights Cartoons

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which human right is represented in the image? Find the number of the article.
Article 22. Right to social security / OR Article 23. Workers' rights
Which human right is represented in the image? Find the number of the article.
Article 3. Right to life
Which human right is represented in the image? Find the number of the article.
Article 16. Right to marriage and to found a family
Which human right is represented in the image? Find the number of the article.
Article 15. Right to nationalty
Which human right is represented in the image? Find the number of the article.
Article 19. Freedom of expression / OR Article 18. Freedom of thought
Which human right is represented in the image? Find the number of the article.
Article 21. Right to participate in public affairs
Which human right is represented in the image? Find the number of the article.
Article 12. Right to privacy
Which human right is represented in the image? Find the number of the article.
Article 18. Freedom of religion or belief
Which human right is represented in the image? Find the number of the article.
Article 10. Right to a fair trial
Which human right is represented in the image? Find the number of the article.
Article 5. Freedom from torture / OR Article 30 / OR Article 8
Which human right is represented in the image? Find the number of the article.
Article 2. Freedom from discrimination