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British historry

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When was queen Elizabeth II's coronation?
What is the surname of Queen Elizabeth II?
Name some imported things from the former British colonies
tea, potatoes, tobacco, rice, curry
Name some of the countries in former British Empire
India, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, parts of South America, parts of Africa...
What is queen Victoria's nickname?
grandmother of Europe
What is the name of the british first colony in America?
Who helped queen Elizabeth I with colonization?
Sir Walter Raleigh
What was Elizabeth I's nickname?
virgin queen
Who were the Henry VIII's wives which he executed?
Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard
How many wifes did Henry VIII have?
What was the "new religion" in Britain after Henry VIII's reformation?
Church of Englind - protestant
Why did Henry VIII reformed the church?
because he wanted a divorce, he wasn't the head of church and it wasn't allowed
What was the family house from which Henry VIII came?
What two nations fought in the 100 years war?
british and french
Where are the Normans from?
north of France
Why did the Battle of Hastings happen?
normans came and invaded Britain
Which battle happened in 1066?
Battle of Hastings
How were the Anglo-Saxons called? What derived from that?
Angles - Angle-land - England
Where are Vikings from?
Where are Anglo-Saxns from?
Germany and Denmark
How is this called and who built it?
Hadrian's Wall - Romans
What are the things/inventions the Romans brought and "built" in Britain?
cities, streets, sewage systems, baths...
How were the celts called? What derived from that?
Britons - Britannia - Britain
Who were the first settlers?