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System of Government CR, UK, USA.

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What is the US legal document that the government has to obey?
The Constitution of the United States of America
How often are the US presidential elections?
every 4 years
A candidate for the US president has to be... name 3 things.
at least 35yo, US born, live in the US for at least 14 years
How does the judicial power in the US control the president or laws?
courts can declare presidential office and laws unconstitutional
What can the legislative branch in the US "do" towards the executive branch?
congress can remove the president from the office
What can the executive branch in the US "do" towards the legislative branch?
can approve or veto laws made by congress
Executive branch in the USA is composed of...?
the President + cabinet
Legislative branch (congress) in the USA is composed of...?
House of Representatives + Senate
Name the three branches of power in the USA.
executive + legislative + judicial
How many members does the House of Lords in the United Kingdom approximately have
around 800
How many members does the House of Commons in the United Kingdom approximately have?
around 650
Parliament in the United Kingdom is divided into two houses. Name them.
House of Commons, House of Lords
Where does the UK prime minister live?
10 Downing Street in London
What is the connection between british monarch and prime minister?
they meet once a week
Who is the head of government in the UK?
prime minister
How much political power does the british monarch actually have?
none (asks to form the government - ceremonial)
Who is the head of state in the UK?
What is the political "system" of the United Kingdom?
parliamentary monarchy
The President of the Czech Republic can approve or return a law. What is the different name for this?
to veto
The President of the Czech Republic is elected for maximum of...
two consecutive terms, 10 years
What is the main function of the legislative power in the Czech Republic?
to make laws
How many members are there in the Czech Senate? And for how are they elected?
81 members for six years
How many members are in the Czech Chamber of Deputies? And for how long are they elected?
200 memebers for four years
Name the two chambers in the legislative branch in the Czech Republic.
Chamber of Deputies + Senate
Complete the title of the Czech President. SUPREME COMM....
supreme commander of the armed forces
Name three different ministers in the Czech Republic.
of interior, of regional developement, of health, of education, of foreign affairs, of justice, of culture, of travel, of trade and agriculture, of defence....
Who is the leader of the Czech Government in the Czech Republic?
prime minister
Who are the representative bodies of the EXECUTIVE branch in the Czech Republic?
the President + Czech Government
The power in the Czech Republic is divided into three branches. Name them.
executive, legislative, judicial
What are the two supreme documents that the government in the Czech Republic has to obey?
the Constitution + the Charter of Fundamental Rights
What is the political "system" of the Czech Republic?
a parliamentery democracy