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B1+ (unit 3C, 3D, 4A)

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Change this sentence with "USED TO": I went to the gym couple of days ago
We CANNOT change this sentence with USED TO
These poeple are not flexible, they don't change their opnions
These people are very ambitious, they always achieve their goals
These poeple give you many gifts, they're also vrey helpful
Thsese people always tell the truth, never lie
People who want to be very successful or/and powerful
Present Perfect or Past Simple: How many matches __________(our football team/lose) so far this season?
has our football team lost
Present Perfect or Past Simple: Mary is not here. She _________(go) shopping with her husband.
has gone
Present Perfect or Past Simple: When we _________(be) on holiday in Greece, it _________(not+rain) at all.
were, didn't rain
Present Perfect or Past Simple: What _________(you/learn) since you came here?
have you learned
TO or ING: You didn't stop _____ (help) me when I needed
To or -ing? : I enjoy ______ (play) online with my friends.
Past Simple/Past Continuous: When I _____ Martha at the party she _____ to Juliet. (see, not talk)
saw | wasn't talking
Past Simple/Past Continuous: While my father _________, he ______ a beautiful bird. (run, see)
was running | saw
CORRECT MISTAKES: She said me that she liked you.
She TOLD me that she liked you.
CORRECT MISTAKES: I’ve been here since three months.
I’ve been here FOR three months.
CORRECT MISTAKES: What happened with you last weekend?
What happened TO you last weekend?
TRANSLATE: Aš nesinomuočiau mašinos Indijoje
I wouldn't rent a car in India
TRANSLATE: Ką dar vertėtų pamatyti?
What else is worth seeing?
TRANSLATE: Nesivargink eiti į vietinius muziejus
Don't bother going to local museums.
Turn nouns into ADJECTIVES: nature; health; danger; kindnees
Turn adjectives into NOUNS: patient; difficult; popular; comfortable