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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False: Our skin has hundreds of nerve endings.
False, our skin has thousands of nerve endings
____________ are bumps on the tongue that detect food or liquid.
Taste buds
True or False: The mucous membrane detects different substances in the air.
______ are two holes at the bottom of the nose.
The ear has three main parts, what are they?
The outer, middle and inner ear.
Does the outer, middle or inner ear contain the cochlea?
the inner ear contains the cochlea
Which part of the eye is a black circle?
the pupil
The _____ is the coloured part in the front of the eye.
Does the nose detect smell or light?
Do ears detect sound or taste?
Do eyes detect sound or light?
The _______________ system extracts waste substances from the blood and expels them from our bodies.
The ___________ system moves blood around our bodies.
Which body system absorbs oxygen from the air and expels carbon dioxide?
The respiratory system
Which body system helps break down and digest food and liquids?
The digestive system
True or False: Carnivores eat plants and animals.
False, Carnivores only eat animals.
True or False: Mammals have sense organs.
True or False : Humans are omnivores.
Humans inhale oxygen and exhale __________________.
carbon dioxide