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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"This is ME / MY / MINE suitcase. It's ME / MY / MINE," he said.
"This is MY suitcase. It's MINE," he said.
Use the past continuous: I tried to explain, but my friends [NOT LISTEN] to me.
... my friends WEREN'T LISTENING to me
What are they doing?
mountain biking
How do you GET TO / GET AT / GET UP school?
What is this?
a barbecue
What are they doing?
What is he doing?
Complete the question: _____________Big Ben when you were in London? (you / see)
Did you see Big Ben when you were in London?
Use the simple past: I ____________ two friends on my holiday. (make)
I MADE two friends on my holiday.
This is OUR / OURS dog. He's OUR / OURS.
This is OUR dog. He's OURS.
Correct the question: Did you bought a present for your sister?
Did you BUY a present for your sister?
She runs [QUICK] than her brother.
Use the adverb: My sister did [GOOD] in her history test. She always studies very hard.
Say the email address
christina [DOT] alvarez [AT] gmail [DOT] COM
Use a comparative adverb: My cousin makes friends [EASY] than I do.
My cousin makes friends MORE EASILY than I do.
Something that is very little is t__________.
Something that weighs a lot is _____________.
Name three things in this landscape: m_________, r____________, v_________
mountain, river, valley
Describe the ball with three adjectives.
large, round, soft (for example)
I [SLEEP] when the Three Kings [COME] to my house.
I WAS SLEEPING when the Three Kings CAME to my house.
Right now, we [STUDY] English.
Right now, we ARE STUDYING English.
Many suitcases are called _____________.
A person who stays at a hotel is a G _ _ _ _