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Irregular verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My friends ___ (have) a barbacue last summer.
My friends had a barbacue las summer.
You ___ (make) pancakes last Monday.
You made pancakes last Monday.
My little sister ___ (have) a shower last night.
My little sister had a shower last night.
My brother ___ (go) to a museum two years ago.
My brother went to a museum two years ago.
Famara ___ (write) a love poem yesterday.
Famara wrote a love poem yesterday.
Aythami ___ (give) Rayco a kiss yesterday.
Aythami gave Rayco a kiss yesterday.
Airam's parents ___ (buy) a new house some years ago.
Airam's parents bought a new house some years ago.
Cathaysa and Aday ___ (fly) to Fuerteventura last summer.
Cathaysa and Aday flow to Fuerteventura last summer.
Haridian ___ (break) her phone last night.
Haridian broke her phone last night.
I ___ (send) a Whatsapp to my ex.
I sent a Whatsapp to my ex.