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All Souls

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is classical music in decline? Does it matter?
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Is feminism still needed?
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Is it worse to be cruel to a fox than to a flea?
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Does fashion serve a useful purpose?
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What is war good for?
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Were the COVID lockdowns a legitimate use of state power?
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Are some languages more beautiful than others?
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Can murder ever be a right action?
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Should we try to define art?
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What is the wrong in cultural appropriation?
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Are rich people worse parents?
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Does the internet bring out the worst in people?
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Why do we go out of our way to watch sad films or plays?
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‘Popular music thrives on endless repetition – nothing new since Nirvana.’ Do you agree, and is this a problem?
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Should you always read the book first?
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Does it matter if a language dies out?
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Why is the price of housing so high?
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Should sugar be taxed?
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Does time heal historic injustice?
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Is tourism a necessary evil?
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Should we even try to understand how the brain works?
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How should we close the gender pay gap?
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Are there topics one should not joke about?
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Should we stop reading authors because of their political views?
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Has single-sex education had its day?
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Are streaming services good for music?
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Does Homo sapiens have responsibilities to other species?
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Can the moral qualities of an artwork affect its aesthetic value?
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Why do people vote for corrupt politicians?
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Does it matter whether there is life elsewhere in the universe?
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How many people should there be?
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Should university education be free?
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Are bankers or politicians more to blame for the present world economic crisis?
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Does it matter if national identities wither away?
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Is it wise to try to make contact with alien life forms?
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Should ‘work’ and ‘life’ be balanced?
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Should I care how many medals my country wins at the Olympics?
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How do we know whether or not prison works?
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Is the internet changing the ways in which we think?
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What is wrong with plagiarism?
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What is the future of the printed book?
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Should there be a maximum, as well as a minimum, wage?
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Why is gold valuable?
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If this were the last piece of paper available, what would you write on it?
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Should philosophy be taught in schools?
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Why do so many people want to get married?
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When is a gift too generous?
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How do you know whether you are happy?
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Why should we value privacy?
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Can there be a purely aesthetic appreciation of religious art?
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What’s wrong with doping?
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Is it wrong to change your accent?
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Should all citizens receive a basic income from the state?
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Is vegetarianism the future?
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Should states control their borders?
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Privatization of public services: solution or problem?
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Should prisoners have the right to vote?
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Is rising life expectancy a good thing?
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Is cosmetic surgery wrong?
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Should there be such a thing as intellectual property?
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Do we need borders?
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Have email, blogs and tweets restored the primacy of writing?
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