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Language of Marketing

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Finding mistake : Elimination is implausible; reduction is uneconomical and may be unethically
unethically -> unethical
Which word refers to " to become smaller in amount or quantity " ? 
contract (v) . Ex : Sales of summer clothes often contract once fall hits
A client who was sent by the recommendation of another professional.      (Referral /customer/ patronage/ partner)
True or False?   :  The Marketing objectives exist solely to support the company’s overall business mission and focus on maintaining the organization’s future competitive position in its chosen markets.
What types of information can help create a sales forecast ?
data based on past sales to find trend / market data from outside the company or availablle data from other company
Word form :  He gained / acquired a __ as an entertaining speaker   ( repute ) 
Give an promotional technique that you know
Advertisement / Sponsorship / Half-off price ,etc..
Guess me : /wiː  niːd  tuː  ˌriːɪˈvæljʊeɪt  ðə seɪlz  fɔːs  ˈkʌvərɪʤ  ɪn  ðæt  ˈtɛrɪtəri / 
We need to reevaluate the sales force coverage in that territory 
What type of promotion that a product is supplied at no charge ? ( rebate / giveaway/ BOGO/ coupon )
a giveaway
If the list price of a product is $4500, and there is a 40% discount on it, calculate the price at which the customer can buy the product.
Discount = $4500 x 40% = $1800. =>  Selling Price = List Price - Discount ($) = $4500 − $1800 = $2700
which adjective describes an area where sales force is insufficient ? 
___is a process that allows a business to estimate future sales revenue for a specific timeframe.
Sales forecast
We were able to ___ future profits based on data from the last few months