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Guess the Animal

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am found in the ocean. I can live for many years. I have a hard shell on my back.
Sea turtle
I like to eat hay. Some people use me for racing. I live on a farm.
A horse
I lay eggs. I cluck. Ms. Chloe likes to eat me.
A hen
I live on a farm. I eat grass. I can give you milk
A cow
I live in the desert. I can survive for many days without water. I have a hump on my back.
A camel
I am the fastest runner. I am a type of cat.
A cheetah
I am the largest bird in the the world. I come from Africa.
An ostrich
I am a pet. I bark.
A dog
I am a bird that can talk.
A parrot
I come from Indonesia. I live on Komodo island.
A komodo dragon
I am the king of the jungle. I have a mane. I come from Africa.
A lion
I have flippers. I live in Antarctica. I eat fish.
A penguin
I have no arms or legs. I slither.
A snake
I climb trees. You can find me in a forest in Ubud.
A monkey
I am green. We had this animal as a class pet.
A frog
I am a pet. I am good at climbing. I have four legs, a long tail and whiskers.
A cat
I have grey fur. A baby is called a 'joey'. I come from Australia.
A koala
I am good at jumping. I come from Australia.
A kangaroo
I am tall. I have a long neck. I eat leaves.
A giraffe
I am big and grey. I have a long trunk. I come from Asia and Africa.
An elephant