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Vocabulary - Journeys (3º ESO)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you say "explorar" in English?
What's the meaning of "REACH ONE'S DESTINATION"?
llegar a su destino
"to travel while carrying your clothes and other things that you need in a rucksack, usually not spending much money and staying in cheap places"
go backpacking
COMPLETE: cruzar el océano = _____ the ocean
cruzar el océano = CROSS the ocean
How do you say CAMPAMENTO in English?
What's the meaning of HITCHHIKE?
hacer autoestop
What's the name of this object in English?
a sleeping bag
TRUE or FALSE? "Trail" and "path" are synonyms
TRUE. They mean "sendero, camino"
COMPLETE: "Signpost" means...
letrero / poste indicador
How do you say PASAR LA NOCHE in English?
spend the night
TRUE or FALSE? montar una tienda de campaña = build up a tent
FALSE. montar una tienda de campaña = PUT UP a tent
COMPLETE: hacer la maleta = _____ your bag
PACK your bag
How do you say HACER UNA HOGUERA in English?
build a campfire
How do you say ALOJAMIENTO in English?
What's the meaning of SET OUT?
salir, empezar un viaje
TRUE or FALSE? Journey means "excursión"
FALSE - Journey means "viaje, trayecto"