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La familia

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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驴C贸mo se dice? bird
el p谩jaro
驴C贸mo se dice? twin (female)
las gemelas
驴C贸mo se dice? Step-dad
el padrastro
驴C贸mo se dice? Half brother
el medio hermano
驴C贸mo se dice? Step-mom
La madrastra
驴C贸mo se dice? Family
La familia
驴C贸mo se dice? Female cousin
La prima
驴C贸mo se dice? Brother
El hermano
驴C贸mo se dice? Sister
La hermana
驴C贸mo se dice? Daughter
La hija
驴C贸mo se dice? Male cousin
El primo
驴C贸mo se dice? Uncle
El t铆o
驴C贸mo se dice? aunt
La t铆a
驴C贸mo se dice? Dad
El pap谩
驴C贸mo se dice? Son
El Hijo
驴C贸mo se dice? Mom
La mam谩
驴C贸mo se dice? Grandmother
La abuela
驴C贸mo se dice? Grandpa
El abuelo