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JS 7 - U 5,6 - Day 7 (The Cowboy Era Review)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The act of keeping cattle in a large farm is called ____.
cattle ranching
The clothes and items of cowboys were made with the purpose of ____.
protecting them from the harsh environment.
Originally, most cowboys were ____?
former slaves, sharecroppers, early settlers
Think of the word "missionaries". When missionaries go to other country, they ___?
teach religions.
Do you think that you'd enjoy on a cattle drive? Why or why not?
Answer will vary.
Why do you think filmmakers, artists and writers often portray cowboys as heroes?
This is mostly because cowboys are strong and independent.
Do you think the author would agree that cowboys played an important role on the American frontier? Explain?
Answer will vary.
How was cowboy life dangerous?
It is dangerous because of harsh weather, the risk of stampedes, accidents and rustlers.
What were cattle drives? Why did they become widespread during the late 1860s?
Cattle drives are long trips on which the cowboys herded cattle out of Texas so that the ranchers could get more money for their sales.
What caused the end of the cowboy era?
The use of fencing (barbed wire) and the expansion of the railroad.
Who brought the cattle ranching to California in the 1700s?
Spanish missionaries